Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

tugas ke 1 bahasa inggris softkill

Greeting letter
Greeting is easy and there are no hard especially when dealing with different customs. Often the title for the man or woman is different and sometimes we don’t know the gender of the person being addressed. The family name is sometimes written custom front and other custom written behind. Honorary degrees may vary based on status and age.

So don’t feel guilty if trouble choosing words greeting because it is a difficult problem. In the United States should not use "Sir" or "Mr." ("Master") unless you are absolutely sure the person is male. Also safer to use "Ms." instead of "Miss" or "Mrs." unless you know which of the two was correct.

In the Indonesian language you can use the word common greeting in written communication such as the " Dear Lady/Gentleman", "You", "Dear Sir", etc. As was mentioned above be careful if you want to say hello to the "Lady/Gentleman" because you might just guess the gender of a name is only listed in the email.

Greetings "Lady" is safer than "Mrs." or "Miss", unless you already know the status of the person. Use the greeting word "you" if you have known and know the status of the person concerned. In the United States usually okay to mention the name of the next person. So normally you should not use "Dear" followed by the first name.

         Dear Chris:

Here's greetings Chris applies both men and women. But be careful in there sometimes abbreviate the name of the offense. If you want to refer people kesekelompok you can use "Dear" unifying attribute. For example:

         Dear Project Managers

         Designation. The Project Manager
         Dear San Jose Lasers Fans

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